3-C Cattle Feeders
3C Cattle Feeders has been in the cattle business for more than 30 years and has tried virtually every feeding method. Through trial and error, 3C Cattle Feeders has developed a cattle feeder that is efficient, effective and economical.
3C Cattle Feeders were first produced in 1998 to meet the high standards of cattle producers.
The 3C Cattle Feeder is more accurate and quieter than any other feeder on the market. The chain-driven feeder ensures you will never have to get out and turn a pulley again. 3C Cattle Feeders are completely enclosed, which prevents feed from falling on your truck bed.
3C Cattle Feeders have exclusive features such as sight holes and digital counters. Custom feeders are also available to satisfy special requirements.
3C Cattle Feeders handle ground feed, cubes, pellets, even mineral. If you want a dependable, rock-solid feeder, choose none other than a 3C Cattle Feeder.
12078 N Ragsdale Road, Pampa, 79065-1763, TX,
Farmer's Equipment
Telephone Order:
(806) 665-8046
Fax Order:
(806) 665-0017